build > BOM
V-Core 4.0 CAD
CAD models for all V-Core 4.0 sizes are made available via the Rat Rig Fusion 360 online viewer. Choose a model to enable the download button below.
Bellow you will find the BOM spreadsheet for the V-Core 4.0. Beware of the machine sizes as components like extrusions, linear rails and lead screws vary greatly in length. The base parts kit is the same regardless of the build size.
Official BOM V-Core 4.0Files
Enclosure Panels
Click to download the DXF files for the enclosure panels. 4mm Polycarbonate is recommended for the enclosure panels.
Printed parts
⚠️ IDEX printed parts
The VAOC diffusor must be printed using white filament to ensure efficient light transmission. Failure to do so may result in suboptimal camera performance.
Check our github to get access to STL files for all printed parts. All files are provided in the correct orientation for printing on a standard FDM 3D printer. In general the printed parts are quite forgiving, but are also quite large. If you suffer from drafts and/or poor bed adhesion you may need to use brims/rafts for some parts to prevent warping.The following table shows the recommended print settings when printing any of the parts provided.
Print Settings:
- Perimeters
- 4
- Line Width
- 0.45mm
- Layer height
- 0.2 - 0.3 mm
- Infill
- 25%
- Supports
- None
When slicing the files you will notice that some of the holes are covered. This is intentional, to simplify the printing process - those layers are there to trick the slicer into building a bridge there. Once printed those need to be poked out with a screw, screwdriver, Allen key or even a matching size screw.